
Supco Parts TA44 Remote Temp Alarm W/Display

Supco Parts TA44 Remote Temp Alarm W/Display
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Supco Parts TA44 Remote Temp Alarm W/Display

Supco Parts TA44 Remote Temp Alarm W/Display

Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
$227.25     /ea
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
Supco TA44 Single set point temperature alarm with digital display & remote wireless alarm provides reliable protection for temperature sensitive areas. Multiple transmitters & receivers can be used to monitor temperatures in multiple locations. Kit includes TA44 tr Features/Benefits °F or °C user selectable FCC compliant Class B digital device, persuant to Part 15 of FCC rules Built in terminals for remote alarm or phone dialer connection Large LCD display 6' Thermistor sensor (extendable to 200' using 24 AWG wire) Over & under temperature modes Alarm switch for no delay, or 1 hour delay Adjustable alarm temperature ranges Audible & visual alarms Monitors temperature & alarms in the event of equipment failure

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